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Kitty Carry All – Interview

Kitty Carry All

An interview with singer Miguel, bassist Joshua, and guitarist Dave
by Kendra J. Loring

Taunton – After interviewing bands for more than four years, I find it slightly annoying when I meet yet another band that “doesn’t want to be categorized,” but who nonetheless, fit firmly into a box with the correct “label” and manage never to pull themselves out. Somehow, they do it to themselves. I guess that’s why Kitty Carry All is becoming such an important part of the local music scene. Truly a band who do not fit into any category of budding new bands.

Minus the presence of their drummer, Paul, KCA came together one night to fill the world in on the new hardcore movement, beer nuts, and their personal lavatory techniques.

Name three essentials in life.
Miguel (vocals): Water, a will to live.

Joshua (bass): Shelter, beer nuts.

Dave (guitar): Food.

(They all think real hard for a worthy answer and finally agree.)

Josh: Collectively, we’d have to say love, inspiration, and pants.

Yeah, OK. Three things you could do without?
Joshua: Pride and greasy junk food.

Miguel: Ignorance, cholesterol.

Dave: Fear and anger.

(Somehow the band can’t seem to grasp the meaning of three!!)

What kind of effect do you want your music to have on people?
Miguel: We want them to feel sexy and scared, but not scared of being sexy.

Dave: We want their eyes to bulge out.

Joshua: We want them to get down and dance.

Miguel: But we don’t want to have a “feel-good vibe!”

What are your feelings on the new hardcore revival?
Miguel: It seems there’s all these kids singing about being angry, and playing like they’re so pissed. It’s funny. Most of those people come from really good homes and are wearing $100 sneakers and $80 hockey shirts and they act like they have it so bad.

Joshua: I mean, we have a lot to bitch about too, but we don’t, so it doesn’t come out in our music.

Tell the world everything they should know about KCA.
(Randomly all three throw out answers.)
We’re 100% coffee drinkers, 100% Kiss fans, 25% greasy-meat-eaters, 75% hair band, 50% scoliosis sufferers, 100% arachnophobic, 17% cigarette smokers, 25% vegetarians, 100% cat lovers, and 100% stand-up pissers.

Dave: Seriously though, we are a “cool, up and coming band!”

Miguel: Our music comes from more emotion than the usual aggression.

Joshua: Yeah, like Bon Jovi!

Miguel: We’re more about the music than trends. We’re straight, but not narrow.

Joshua: We play music for the sake of music.

(I think that covers it!!)

Since Paul isn’t here, shouldn’t we talk about him behind his back?
Miguel: Paul is a quiet one. It’s like he’s really here, ’cause he wouldn’t be saying anything anyway.

Dave: Paul has nice hair.

Joshua: He’s an artist; he does all our artwork and logos.

Miguel : And most importantly, he’s now in love, which makes life so great!

What kind of people usually go to KCA shows?
Dave and Joshua: Good people!

Joshua: Better than the best!

Dave: They appreciate music. They are always aware of what’s going on during our shows. They make observations.

Miguel: They’re the type of people who aren’t concerned about “what’s going on later” or how or when they’re going home (while we’re playing).

Dave: These people notice song structure and come up to us after to talk about it.

Joshua: Our fans range from age 10 to age 46.

(Talk about accurate stats!)

Generally speaking, you guys have evolved from the scene surrounding the studio, River’s Edge?
Joshua: Yeah, Rob, the owner is a very kind-hearted person and we really enjoy being here.

Dave: It’s the best studio around, and there are SO many good bands here, some of the best in the area.

Have you seen Lollipop before?
Dave: Yeah, a few times. We read that review of that fetish video last month and we thought it was cool cause you don’t get to see “nice cock” in print very often.

Miguel: We like to know what’s going on in the Boston scene, ’cause Boston clubs have the cleanest and best bathrooms around. It gives you incentive to go use the bathroom ’cause they’re so clean, instead of using the nearest corner or parking lot.

Joshua: Boston clubs have character. Each has it’s own image and when you go in, it’s like you’ve entered this whole other world.

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