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Juicy – Olive Juicy – Review


Olive Juicy (Slow River)
by Sheril Stanford

Hi! Having your usual afternoon jolt? Yep. Make it iced today, though. And no cream. What are you listening to? Ummm… not sure yet. The first song was about plywood, though, I think. And then there was one where the singer kept on repeating “My bike will go anywhere.” Well, it’s nice to appreciate your bike. Yeah, I guess. What’s the band called? Their name is Juicy and the disc is Olive Juicy. They’re three women from New York City. The vocalist has that sort of geek speak thing going on. You know, where each word is pronounced with excruciating clarity? So, do you like ’em? Well, let me tell you this. Their bio lists such notable occurrences over the past year as that the guitarist learned to play bar chords and that the bass player bought a distortion pedal. I can’t decide if that’s really funny or phenomenally stupid. Plus, they sing lots of songs about boys and kissing and stuff. It’s a little juvenile. Not really my style. Yeah, me neither. But there was that song about plywood, right? Yeah. Dollar fifteen, right? Well, see ya tomorrow. Yeah, bye.

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