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Pugs – at The Middle East – Review


at The Middle East
by Steve Tremain

I knew it was going to be exciting, but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Pugs are a Japanese freak-out, Nitrous Oxide set to music. With two basses, a second noise percussionist to complement the drums, guitar, and a very pretty transvestite on keyboards, I knew it was going to be intense. But I was totally unprepared when Honey K walked onstage, looking like Barbarella gone Nippon. She proceeded to bust out (both literally and figuratively) as the band exploded into noise. Crunching rock with a manic, happy groove filled the hall as Honey K postured and sang divinely. The rest of the band were cutting up too, matching the wonderfully goofy music with “choreographed” dance steps and mock Tai Chi breaks. The crowd loved it, completely taken aback at first, but soon warming to their combination of rock, noise, psychedelia, and yes, the intro to “Thus Spake Zarathustra.” Just when we though the set had reached it’s peak, they launched into “Tequila.” Yup, the Champs song. Pee Wee Herman would’ve had a heart attack (he’s going blind, not deaf, remember?). When a band has as much fun onstage as the crowd is having offstage, even more perhaps, you know something’s up. Pugs are up. Very, very up. Their album is Bite The Red Knee on Casual Tonalities. Experience something new and fun at the same time. Give it a try, you’ll like it.

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