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The Royal Beat Conspiracy – Gala Galore – Review

The Royal Beat Conspiracy

Gala Galore (Bad Afro)
by Jon Sarre

This stuff is pretty good, albeit kinda unfocused, cuz The Royal Beat Conspiracy jumps ’round the genrescope, but then again, not much more than the Stones, so sumptin’ should be said for not limitin’ yer focus. That said, in addition to Mick’n’Keef, these Swedes also appropriate Sell Out-era Who (“The Chameleon’s Changing Color”), sappy Zep (“Meet Me in the Morning,” but only if Johnny Rivers was the singer and he wasn’t), Stooges riffage (“Tonight”), dumbed-down Springsteen everygaspumperisms (“Satan’s Radio”), Ziggy Bowie (“Satellite Child”), Bolan arrangements (“The Flame of Love”), some of these even complete with horns’n’strings and even, on the yucky “Disco Boy,” wawa roller schlock effectos. Sure, Gala Galore is what it sounds like, a shoplifter’s masterwerk, but most K-Tel comps still kicked out the jams better (and cheaper, as seen on TV).
(Post Restante, Frederiksberg Alle 6, 1820 Frederiksberg C, Denmark)

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