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The Kids of Widney High – Act Your Age – Review

The Kids of Widney High

Act Your Age
by Ewan Wadharmi

As soon as you showcase a special education class in album format, hyper-sensitive types are going to start screaming “Exploitation!” The first people to cry foul are always the ones who have issues themselves. Finger-pointing may be a good distraction, but soul-searching is what will bring about resolve. Besides, we let Kid Rock make albums, don’t we?

From the first strains of Act Your Age, there’s no pandering or pity here. The Kids of Widney High are just a bunch of kids having a hell of a lot of contagious fun. Songs like “I Make My Teachers Mad” and “Miss Understood” handle everyday situations better than any group of WB teens on Everwood or The O.C. Vegetarians beware, “Life Without The Cow” breaks in with a carnivorous country punk tribute to the tasty bovine. “Two Faces on Fidel” takes on Castro’s complicated politics with help from Cuban band Los Pinguos. There are some painful moments, like the tropical-flavored “Hold Me” and “Valentine’s Day,” when the energy is low and the kids seem to lose interest. Michael Monagon’s arrangements are quality stuff, and the classroom production is surprisingly good. The top-notch backing band handles blues rock, r&b, and Steven Hawking rap with all the touches you’d hope for. If you go away without a positive outlook on life, see your cardiologist immediately.

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