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Mr. Right – Review

Mr. Right

by Scott Hefflon

Quesiton: How safe is it to be the nice guy in the grunge-ridden society of the mid-’90s? I mean, attitude and aggression litter the clubs, and now we’ve got that tired lonely addict flannel thing that just can’t be duplicated on this coast. There are so few “feel good” bands left that you don’t really know how to react when you hear one. Is this classic rock retro trash? Is this a cop out that couldn’t cut it on the heavy alternative treadmill? So who is Mr. Right?

Answer: Mr Right is a catchy rock band playing tongue in cheek, swagger in step and smile on face. Without resorting to cliches, they play fun bar room rock ‘n’ roll. They say the word “shucks” in the chorus of “Rifleman,” fer christssake. They have clever word plays in the lyrics, intricate chord structures, and drum patterns performed with such ease it seems effortless. They mostly play the clubs in Connecticut, but they are a good drinking band with a style you don’t hear too much. For a nice change of pace, hook up with Mr. Right.

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