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The Bloodhound Gang – at The Rat – Review

The Bloodhound Gang

at The Rat
by Lex Marburger

Boom! The Bloodhound Gang came onstage, an assortment of Caucasian skin, coming in all sizes. There was Skippapotomus and um… (the guy with the goatee and a really weird name. Jim? Tom?) as backups, dedicated consumer and bodybuilder, respectively. Lupus was in the back, spinning discs and samples, generating the whole carnival that Daddy Long Legs and Jimmy Pop cavorted in. They slyly drew people to the front with promises of free CDs and exploded into “Legend in my Spare Time.” No one was safe. The Bloodhound Gang jumped off the stage and into the crowd, inciting us to riot. Completely in-your-face, they ran around the stage and floor (a moving target is harder to hit), making the Rat a party house.

They stopped the show, and um… (the guy with the goatee) took off his shirt. Whew! This guy works out. He proceeded to put a 2×4 into the back of his kilt, covering his spine, and The Gang invited us onstage to throw darts into his back. No joke. Real darts, real skin, real blood. It was great to see the dart go in and just hang from his shoulder blade. They say he’ll eat anything, and has been known to scarf down a live mouse or two at some shows. Those suburban kids… they’ll do anything for a kick.

They launched back into the music, playing almost everything from Use Your Fingers (Cheese Factory/Underdog/Columbia/Sony), except “Pretty When You’re Drunk,” one of the Lollipop theme songs. Ending the show with “Rang Dang,” they called us all onstage, jumping around, laughing, grinning, bouncing to the music. That led to the thunderous chant, bellowed from every throat, “We make holes in beef! WE MAKE HOLES IN BEEF! WE MAKE HOLES IN BEEF!”

When the show was over, I invited them to the Lollipop deadline party the next night. They showed up. Then it gets blurry…

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