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Princess Superstar – Strictly Platinum – Review

Princess Superstar

Strictly Platinum (Fifth Beetle)
by Lex Marburger

“I’m white, and I’m from Pennsylvania!” So it goes. Enough has been said about “Whitey” stealing Black music. Suffice it to say, Princess Superstar is one of the good ones, due to the process of hybridization. Strictly Platinum (Fifth Beetle) is what Licensed to Ill was supposed to be, mainly, an entirely serious send-up of rap. They play with samples like preschoolers with blocks, and the tempos shift around quicker than a speed freak’s thoughts. The samples stretch from Billy Squier and Fugazi to The Beatles and Tom Jones. They then tip their hats to the Beasties, taking the beat from “Shake Your Rump,” with Concetta Kirschner throwing in lyrics like “You wanna come correct/do it like Mikey/Go to the movies/get some Rolos” (reference to “Mike on the Mic”). On top of all this, live instruments take the white funk, and groove hard. Can it be true? Is rap moving from the cities to the ‘Burbs? Not all of Strictly Platinum is rap. They branch into indie rock, but the self-effacing humor and odd time jumps persist, making it entirely listenable. The CD ends with “An I’m Outro,” which could easily sum up Princess Superstar’s attitude toward their music. A groove is set up, and she starts giving “shouts” out to all the people she likes. You know, “Peace to moms and pops, Lady Snow Snowdon, and I’m out…” But as the music fades, you can hear her say “Oh, wait… I got some more…” and the song fades in and out while she thinks of more people to thank. If you don’t take music too seriously, but it’s the only thing you care about, Princess Superstar is for you. Fresh and white. Very white.

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