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Angry Thoreauan – #17 – Review

Angry Thoreauan

#17 $3 (PO Box 2246 Anaheim, CA 92814)
by Clarendon Lavorich

Because Rev. Randall Tin-ear seems to get a bit touchy when criticized, I’ll try to make this as fawning as possible. From the cover, Angry Thoreauan sets itself high among the sarcastic and satirical periodicals available today. The cover is a parody of Highlights magazine (“Fun With A Porpoise”), and follows immediately with full page pictures of a partially-dressed, extremely attractive woman, and a man with some sort of weighted ring on his cock. Looking further, you’ll find acidic letters and responses, as well as a Richard Kern photo of a laced-up vagina. Monique, the sex columnist, ruminates about serial killers, Domination, and other sensuous violence (she also looks very attractive), and then come some rants, raves, and retrospectives from a Sublime eulogy to an article about Punk being an attitude rather than a musical style (by the way, I think that’s been in need of saying for quite a long time now). There’s a story on the faults of Orange County, organized in the style of a travelogue, and an email transcription of a standoff between AT and Earache Records. Not to lose any “punk credibility” about “stickin’ it to the man” or anything, but you can get more flies (or checks) with honey than with vinegar. Ah well, who am I to question the business practices of another? Anyway, there’s a cool subliminal advertising expose (this one’s about the hypocrisy of sexual imagery), great live photos, and more reviews than you can shake a ten-foot pole at. They’re well written, intelligent, and at times scathing. Videos are covered, as well as books, ‘zines (we do not regurgitate Press Releases!), and music. All in all, this is an entertaining and humorous ‘zine, except when the knife of bile is pointed at you.

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