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Insane Clown Posse – The Great Milenko – Review

Insane Clown Posse

The Great Milenko (Island)
by Rowan-Morrison

As a journalist, there is no greater pleasure than butchering the flavor of the weak, but every once in awhile the sacrificial lamb justifies its existence. Case, or rather clown, in point, is Insane Clown Posse and their current offering. When Hollywood Records dropped the band due to questionable lyrics, the Posse’s notoriety spread like maggots at a carcass convention, with plenty of critics writing them off as a joke. Although humor is a big part of ICP’s campaign, this duo’s strength lies in their ability to create innovative songs. Utilizing a unique blueprint that combines distinct, albeit abrasive, rap ‘n’ rant styled vocals with funky electronic percussion and a dark carnival atmosphere, these Clowns are a lot easier to pick out of a lineup than a majority of the nondescript, yet more acclaimed bands in the rap genre. As far as their lyrics go, they serve up a generous portion of vulgarity and violence, but it’s hard to take seriously considering the black magic bent. If you can digest ICP’s sordid tales, then it shouldn’t be too difficult to appreciate their cutting edge clown sound.
(825 8th Avenue, 27th Fl. New York, NY 10019)

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