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My So-Called Band – Review

My So-Called Band

(Yesha 5)
by Katy Shea

There are three guys in Charlotte, NC doing their best to bring back the authentic punk sounds that inspired them in the early ’80s. Chris Peigler, Luke Warm, and Patrick Korson formed My So-Called Band to finally capture the aggressive punk sound of their youth. Unfortunately, the uninspired muddling songwriting seems completely incongruous with Peigler’s non-committal vocal style. For the most part, the CD is missing the raw energy, vitality, and aggressive push that makes punk a genre that elicits true, primal and emotional response. The sentiment of “authenticity” can be felt in the most tenuous of ways, like a thread that gets lost within a mire of overwhelming lack of direction. It is possible that live, these songs resonate with a more powerful punk emotion, but the CD itself does little to honor the history it is meant to represent.

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