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The Martinis – Review

The Martinis

by Rowan-Morrison

With all of the post-Pixies depression smothering Boston, it should be comforting to know that there is still a decent related project, and it doesn’t involve Frank or Kim. The Martinis features the distinct guitar antics of Pixies’ riffmeister Joey Santiago, matched with a new cast, including Linda Mallari on vocals, ex-Four Non-Blondes drummer Dawn Richardson, and ex-that dog Rachel Haden providing the bass (at least she did while they were in the studio). If you were one of the three people who saw Empire Records, the Martinis had a song on the soundtrack called “Free” (this cut also kicks off their self-titled album). In the event that you’re hoping to hear the ghost of the Pixies, I suggest checking out the Pixies recently released BBC recordings, because you won’t find it here. Granted, Santiago still delivers some distinct guitar sounds, like on the catchy “Flyer,” but the rest of the band does their own thing (okay, so maybe Mallari has a few quirky moments on the mic, but they’re no big Deal). Because the Martinis are a more traditional project, with almost a country bent at times, they’re not such an acquired taste as Santiago’s old gang. Hopefully it won’t be too long before they’re signed to a major label and pumping out the Buzz Clips for MTV.
(10061 Riverside Dr. Toluca, CA 91602)

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