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Cheerleadr – The Telescope Single – Review


The Telescope Single
by Scott Hefflon

Cheerleadr bring the “live” back to live rock’n’roll. Aside from their sense of humor (which permeates the song lyrics, the stage banter, not to mention their antics both on and off stage), Cheerleadr jam, crank, pound, whale, slam and all sorts of verbs that’re supposed to be used when describing rock’n’roll. On The Telescope Single, Cheerleadr tease us with only three songs – “Telescope,” from their upcoming full-length, and two bonus tracks, the hard rockin’ “Systems of Dust” and the acoustic ballad “Strings” – but the three show the breadth of the band, albeit in merely snippet form. Called alt-rock, hard-hitting pop rock, and every other combination of undescriptive labeling, Cheerleadr is best experienced live (but ya might wanna buy their records so you know all the words). With songs that are songs (not a single surrounded by filler or boring verses with that one insanely catchy chorus you can’t get out of your head for weeks that makes you wanna track down the band and do unspeakable things to them, their families, their neighbors, their friends, and anyone unlucky enough to be casually passing by), Cheerleadr is enjoyable from beginning to end. They make rock’n’roll fun again.

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