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Goatwhore – The Eclipse of Ages into Black – Review


The Eclipse of Ages into Black (Rotten)
by Paul Lee

You’re unlikely to locate a more virulent strain of black metal on these shores or abroad than this Goatwhore debut. I know I shouldn’t be surprised that these freaks are from the land of Eyehategod and Necrophagia, but they sound so damned pure and evil without aping any band in particular. It’s as if they grew up in the land of the midnight sun instead of the swamps of the bayou. With a member of Soilent Green and an ex-member of now-defunct (but amazing) Acid Bath, Goatwhore show their lust and reverence for old school black metal as if they were part of the first and second wave in Europe. Whereas U.S. black metal bands like Judas Iscariot and Thy Infernal have obvious Nordic similarities, Goatwhore incorporate their influences from Bathory to Darkthrone to Deicide without spewing forth recycled malevolence. Huge Satanic hails to these nasty swamp demons and their caustic debut. One of the best blackened treats of the new millennium.

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