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Garrison – A Mile in Cold Water – Review


A Mile in Cold Water (Revelation)
by Tim Den

The bio pretty much pins down Garrison to a T: “Post-hardcore? Pop? Indie rock? They are all that.” This band, with its influences rooted in indie rock gods like Slint, Bitchmagnet, and Rodan, has taken the discordant timing and chord structures of their idols and mixed them with melodic tendencies offered by late-comers like Quicksand and Jawbox. To say this is emo would be dead wrong. The sheer mathematics and intertwining vocals (by guitarists/vocalists Joe Grillo and Ed McNamara) place Garrison on a bill with Tortoise one night and Guided By Voices another. Simply put: these guys know how to play and write. They’re heavy without being hard, dynamic without being unfocused. A combination of post-rock intellect and pop sensitivity. Well done.

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