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Unto Ashes – Saturn Return – Review

Unto Ashes

Saturn Return (Projekt)
by DJ Arcanus

What impressed me most about Unto Ashes‘ debut, Moon Oppose Moon, was the accessibility of Medieval and ritualistic music. The songs had a dark beauty and the ancient chants were laid over melodies that gave the words new life. Unto Ashes have done it again with their sophomore release, Saturn Return. These multi-talented musicians play a plethora of instruments and have guests fill in on flutes, harp, cello, and other instruments. The archaic instruments and styles, ranging from Middle Eastern to folk to renaissance and earlier, blend together to create a veil of mystery behind which is hidden the occult and western European history. Voices are carefully chosen to fit the appropriate feeling of each track. Many of the words come from tomes and texts, reworked into a new creation. Within these reincarnations, there is one that is very special: their cover of Coil’s “Ostia” from Horse Rotorvator. Originally, this song was on a limited-edition tribute to Coil. Most of the covers on that compilation were awful, but this gem made it worthwhile. It is now widely available to the public with this release. A lot of artists with remarkable debuts don’t live up to the high expectations with their next offering. Unto Ashes have enchanted me with their magical spells and I willingly let myself be enthralled a second time.

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