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Rebirth of the Heavy – Review

Rebirth of the Heavy

by Craig Regala came up with a buncha bands they thought were receiving underwhelming support from the culture-at-large and rang TMC who said “Sure, we’ll put it out.” And did. You can buy it cheap, too, about half regular list price. Cool, eh? All straight up, no bullshit, from destructo rock to apeshit hardcore to stoner rock to kickass doom and back. The comp flows well as a piece. That they include Stinking Lizaveta‘s really heartening ’cause their instrumental compacted prog/jazz-inflected math/indie rock belongs here as much as any of the other stuff. Speaking of power prog indie post-math rock, why don’t you run down to the shop and pick up the Spickle disc The Right to Remain Silent? It coulda been here too. OK, here are the names in order of appearance: Sons of Otis, Thulsa Doom, Novadriver, Suplecs, Los Natas, Grand Magus, Dozer, The Cumshots, Ratos De Porao, Lambs, Electric Frankenstein, Antiseen, Fireball Ministry, The Sabians, and ending (how else could it end?) with Electric Wizard.
(PO Box 629 Port Washington, NY 11050)

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