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The Soviettes – III – Review

thesoviettes200The Soviettes

III (Fat)
by Ewan Wadharmi

While Manda and the Marbles stand on the sidelines like a cheerleader with fake pep who’s deadly serious about school spirit, imploring the crowd to dance, The Soviettes take the field with a more exciting new-wave/punk presence to provide both the motivation and opportunity to do so. Why coerce when the music forces the body’s boogie bone to kick in? It’s cute, funny, retro new wave that still has respect for itself and the audience. Working as a tight team, the vocalists each have a specialty, and jump in when their time comes. The girls banter back and forth like table tennis with hot coal. Boy singer slips in with high-strung Howard Cosell high on conspiracy paranoia. Meanwhile, every manner of Hell is breaking loose, what with the crazy ripping and bashing and pogoing going on. The songs all have their own identity, and some of them are heading off on their own to pussy-whip The Donnas.

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