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Spike Priggen – There’s No Sound in Flutes! – Review

spikepriggen200Spike Priggen

There’s No Sound in Flutes!
by Tim Den

Even though there are far too few of us left, fans of standard-yet-smart guitar pop a la Jason Falkner, Jon Brion, The Kinks, etc. will be glad to know that guys such as Spike Priggen are still out there penning uplifting sad songs that both rock and comfort. Think of that crunchy Fender Twin sound with just the right touch of distortion, combined with eloquent vocals that speak in delicious, melodic lines, and throw in nooks-and-crannies lead breaks/drum fills/backup harmonies, and voila! Catchy songs that are packed with sophisticated hooks, reeking of timeless relevance. Whatever happened to songs like these? Look around you: Aside from Ben Folds and The Cardigans (who can’t even get a U.S. deal these days), are there any acts left who haven’t abandoned craft for gimmickry? Spike Priggen doesn’t use dance beats, wear mascara, rip off Joy Division, or rape synthesizers like useless electroclash fuckfaces: He’s spent his entire life playing with giants (Jon Brion, DJ Dmitri, members of Laura Cantrell’s band, even Cheap Trick drummer Bun E. Carlos), and his material shows. There’s a familiarity in his tunes because your subconscious remembers a time when “pop rock” was a compliment, and not a dirty, “unhip” phrase. So embrace how absolutely enjoyable and intelligent this album is and drop the façade, will ya?

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