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Ten Year Vamp – Don’t Act Like You Know Me – Review

tenyearvamp200Ten Year Vamp

Don’t Act Like You Know Me (Daisy Rock)
by Scott Hefflon

Albany-based, female-fronted power pop, with well-written tunes radio’ll dig, and an energy anyone with a pulse’ll like. The bio says they’ve played with Lifehouse, Nickleback, 3 Doors Down, Finger Eleven, Fuel, Spin Doctors, Hoobastank, and Simple Plan, and hopefully they’ve played with some good bands too. Busty Debbie Gabrione seems solid and personable, and has no shame admitting she’d make a swell role model for young women. Polished to a spit-shine and radio-ready, this is glossier and more deliberately accessible than the rock and punk pop I like (which does its thing, and wouldn’t mind having a large fanbase, but that’s a far second to making great, personal music), but Joan Jett, Bif Naked, Kay Hanley, and Gwen Stefani have all been tempted by “you could be the next rock diva!” buzz (and resisted the cop-out with varying degrees of success). Good looking bands with good tunes and a strong, sexually-charged stage presence will always have to face that temptation, and how a band carry themselves decides whether their respectable rock, or yet another pop fad.

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