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Lick – An Inflatable Love Doll of Death – Review


An Inflatable Love Doll of Death
by Scott Hefflon

The biographical information on this band is hazy. A guy named Karl and I drank lots of Jagermeister and Goldshlager at a Lollipop party and he said he was in a band. I said I’d write a review. He gave me a tape that clearly stated “This is a four song demo tape.” That’s interesting because the songs are numbered 1, 1, 6, 7 on the J card. Karl passed out under a table before I could ask him any innocuous interviewer-type questions.

The first song, song 1, is a mismash mayhem of sound loops and fuzzy guitars. It’s a love song entitled “Popping Lithium with my Manic Depressive Girlfriend.” The second song, song 1, is called “Speedcore Buttocks;” I have no idea what it’s saying, but it’s got a great title and it’s really good to dance to. More sound bits, rock ’em sock ’em guitars and punk drum (machine?). The third song, song 6, is called “Squidly Squidness Business Mine.” I have no clue, man. Techno industrial rave fuzz rant psycho babble? The fourth song, song 7, has more garbled loops and vomit sounds to a catchy dance beat.

Fun with a four track and time to kill. For some reason, the demo reminds me of M.I.T. rebellious creativity and experimentalism and a love for ugly, fuzzy sounds. They’re called Lick, the members are Max, Crack, and Karl (the ’90s version of Snap, Crackle, and Pop).

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