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Dayglo Abortions – Corporate Whores – Review

Dayglo Abortions

Corporate Whores (God)
by Chaz Thorndike

Rude, lewd, and loud, the DayGlo Abortions follow up 1995’s Little Man in the Canoe with 15 tracks of tongue-in-cheek controversy. Being only their second record since the obscenity trial (which they won), it’s not surprising that the neo-punk mentality has affected them very little. They still pump out the ’80s-style crudecore that bands like S.O.D. and M.O.D. wish they’d invented. And seeing as how there’s talk of an S.O.D. tribute album (a tribute to a one-record side project? We really are scraping rock bottom, so to speak, aren’t we?), it’s good to see the PC carpet isn’t wall-to-wall. Tales include the recipe of the drunk tank’s full-time resident’s “Urinal Disk Sandwich,” a “Sperm’s Point of View” of all the wanking we do, the self-explanatory “Corporate Whores,” and “Holding in my Hoop,” the rather painfully insightful (and pain of insides full) story of getting busted, sitting in jail, and appearing in court with a stash hidden up your pooper. You get the gist. Fast and furious, sparing no time for frills or fancy-pants shenanigans, the DayGlo Abortions scrape the inner walls of the subconscious and call the gross and bloody results their songs.

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