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Afroman – The Good Times – Review


The Good Times (Universal)
by Scott Hefflon

Yeah, you know the hit, “Because I Got High.” It’s in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back and it got played on the radio until everyone got thoroughly sick of it, which really didn’t take very long. Funny as all hell, but it’s one of those well-done joke songs that goes on for far too long for the chuckle it gets, and it’s only funny the first few times, and then it makes you groan every time you hear it. That is, unless you’re stoned stupid (or that way naturally) and “you’n’your boys” bus’ out over this every time, dog. Throw signs and roll around like you’re not attached very well from the waist up.

Afroman is laid-back party rap, with a distinct feel-good vibe like reggae (without any darn politics about, like, oppression and stuff that’s always such a buzzkill), without all the posturing of so many tough guys. There’s an everyman feel here, like these are guys you see out every weekend, either shitty on the couch giggling about jokes long ago told or cruising the kitchen for munchies (or booty, same thing). And they’re always friendly and happy to see you cuz they’re happy to see anyone who might just have more weed or share a 40 or have a cute sister. In other words, life is good’n’friendly and everybody gets pleasantly high.

p.s. Afroman are on the same label as The Bloodhound Gang, Chumbawamba, Alice Deejay, and a nü metal tribute to classic rap. That speaks volumes.

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