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The Dissociatives – Review

thedissociatives200The Dissociatives

by Tim Den

In 2002, Silverchair – possibly one of grunge’s worst side effects – stopped touring due to guitarist/vocalist Daniel Johns’ worsening arthritis. Around the same time, esteemed electronica artist Paul Mac began collaborating with Johns on what would become The Dissociatives, a project that not only changed Silverchair haters’ (like myself) minds about Johns, but produced drifting, ghostly, uncategorizable cerebral music.

On their self-titled full-length, gone are Johns’ previously beach-burnt vocals and predictable melodies. Carried by Mac’s strange, spirit-like production, Johns ventures to ranges and vocal paths previously unexplored, bringing back with them tales of angular left turns and pleasantly dissonant harmonies. The combination of Johns’ erudite hooks and Mac’s tasteful surroundings paints a landscape quite unique, not only compared to their previous works, but to most “rock singer paired with electronica producer” fare. If The Postal Service were half as daring and rewarding as The Dissociatives, then maybe Americans’ collective pop conscience wouldn’t be so shit low.

And this is only the beginning, folks… Just guessing about what might come next drafts up enticing scenarios. I, for one, am excited.

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