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Down By Law – punkrockacademyfightsong – Review

Down By Law

punkrockacademyfightsong (Epitaph)
by Scott Hefflon

Yeah, so it’s been six months, but I’m a come-lately with a pen, so deal with it. Without knowing diddle about Down By Law (punk rock is slow to get to Boston), I trusted Epitaph would serve up something tasty despite the fact that I resented the name of the release. “We Are So Punk” anthems annoy me to no end, as do multiple song titles with the word punk in them. Especially “Punk as Fuck.” Yawn. Spare me the pretension. As countless English teachers have complained, “Don’t tell me, show me.”

Then I played the CD and I ate my diatribe. Okay, so I’m a judgmental asshole. Down By Law is punk as fuck. They write well-crafted pop/punk songs that lean more toward the punk side, by choice, and make Green Day look like mainstream rock pussies. Down By Law consists of two teens, guitarist Sam Williams and drummer Hunter Oswald, with two old-schoolers, Angry John (x-Clay Idols) and legendary vocalist Dave Smalley. From all the reviews I’ve plowed through since becoming a devout (albeit late) fan, I understand this is their most cohesive and focused release to date, whatever that means. I do know Dave’s dossier, however. Leading DYS, Boston’s influential straight-edge hardcore band of the Boston Not L.A. glory days, moving back to D.C. and joining popcore forerunners Dag Nasty, and then fronting the almighty ALL (the post-Milo Descendents) for the three releases – Allroy Sez, Allroy for Prez, and Just Perfect – before they turned experimental jazz wankers… Dave’s done it all.

An obvious notable is the cover of The Proclaimers’ “500 Miles.” Sounds almost identical to the original, for what it’s worth. I like the song, songwise, but always wondered about the premise of it. Pal, if you’re such a dork that you’d walk 1,000 fucking miles for a girl, are you sure you really want to write a song about it (much less cover it)? Have you ever actually walked 1,000 miles? I haven’t. I walked five miles one time for a girl because my car broke down. It sucked. I wouldn’t imagine 1,000 miles of picturesque Scottish bogs and rolling countryside is a pleasant stroll through the park, with or without a kilt on. Even with the punked up version, are you saying you’re punk saps? Is this pansy punk? Sensitive-core? Schmuck rock? “Whatever the fuck that means.”

In closing, punkrock… is really fun. Tongue-in-cheek, witty, and sarcastic, yet with an upbeat, positive message. However sensitive they might be, they’re still punk as fuck.

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