Most did time in Our Flesh Party, who started out alt.funky.rock and whittled it into a ball of wire, backbone, and meat like Fugazi, Quicksand, and Barkmarket.
Rock and roll rooted in the Western feel and melancholy. Mexican guitar tradition tangling Spanish classicism through native cultures and death’s head imagery.
Marc Almond hit the charts with one of the most enduring, wettest, sleazy hits of synth-pop, Soft Cell’s “Tainted Love,” a cover of Gloria Lewis’ 1964 hit.
Sex Pistols, Dead Boys, and The Damned covered’m: Their groove landed in The Avengers lap, the Flesheaters hands, then, with their true heirs, Black Flag.
Members of Face To Face, Foo Fighters, Bosstones, and One Time Angels get back to their roots with a melodic late ’70s English/mid-’80s California sound.
Ye olde metalized hard rockisms jerked through alternative what-not yielding a surly, dirt-under-the-nails update on Faith No More/Soundgardens/Danzig.