Björk – at Avalon – Review

December 1, 1993

From behind the instruments emerged a little white china doll wearing a paper dress, painting gleeful smiles on the faces in the crowd.

Heroes Jargon – Column

December 1, 1993

The Maxx just keeps getting stranger and next issue, Pitt wants to play with the Maxx. Cool!

The Re-Possessed – Fiction

December 1, 1993

Oswald tossed quarters into the air. Thousands of them. Lee, as he insisted on being called, brought forth an endless supply and they never seemed to hit the floor.

Rock n Roll is Here to Stay – Fiction

December 1, 1993

We wore flannel ’cause it was fucking cold in the sticks. We also enjoyed dope long before our short-haired brethren and have long since grown bored with it.

It’s Funny… – Fiction

December 1, 1993

It’s funny how I can hate myself… so much… Yet think I am… so much fucking better… than everyone else.

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