Threesomes – Fiction

November 1, 1994

This report was compiled by asking people at parties to talk about sex, and then trying to remember what they’d said the next day when the alcohol wore off.

The Culture Bunker – Fiction

November 1, 1994

Sociopathic-but-sensitive lowlifes attempt to pull off the greatest plotline theft in history, but (all together now, folks), things don’t go quite as planned.

We Don’t Skare – Review

November 1, 1994

Carrying on the tradition, today’s ska bands are keeping the original feel while expanding the form slightly enough to maintain its freshness.

S.F.W. – Review

November 1, 1994

A fine comp of grunge, punk, and assorted music for the angry. There’s Soundgarden, Hole, Radiohead, Cop Shoot Cop, and Suicidal Tendencies, to name a few.

Prelude to a Lick – Column

November 1, 1994

October: Two nervous breakdowns, a drug O.D., major surgery, child-birth, moving, rehab, and numerous occasions of “What am I doing with my Life?” freakouts.

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