Buckcherry’s debut album turns 25. Released April 6, 1999 by DreamWorks, “Lit Up,” “For the Movies,” “Dead Again,” and “Check Your Head” were the singles.
Sound a helluva lot more British than Icelandic. Copying countrymen Sigur Rós would’ve been a lot more interesting than the pseudo-Coldplay at work here.
I hate to use the word “disappointed,” but nothing better sums up my feelings about Precious. Pick up Distorted Lullabies if you want to be truly moved.
Halfcocked use AC/DC to explain why they write stripped-down, predictable, (cliché-)pounding rock songs. But they look cool in the latest glammy/trashy fashion.
The subtle violence of Muse, which reminds me of the early Radiohead material that soared dizzily and plummeted sickeningly, leaving you spent and amazed.