I Met My Angels – Fiction

December 1, 1995

The clothes I wore were littered with cast-off dead skin and cast off dead thoughts, some of which belonged to me, none of which belonged to anyone.

Ghost Busters – Fiction

December 1, 1995

“Sorry, folks,” Mr. Ranger informs them. “You’ll have to come back another time. That geyser won’t be gushing until further notice. The government is closed.”

It’s the Time of the Season – Fiction

November 1, 1995

Alone, I wallow in my own reality, my thoughts become tangible, and I drift along faded halls of introspection, the light before me, the darkness supporting me.

The Culture Bunker – Fiction

November 1, 1995

Dex has been stockpiling assault weapons and yellow highlighting pens, preparing us for the Day of the Final Draft.

Radio Ga-Ga – Fiction

November 1, 1995

I miss the Third World dictators we propped up to save the world from Soviet expansionism. Ever since the Berlin Wall came down, life just hasn’t been the same.

Non Spoken Word – Fiction

November 1, 1995

He is still reading the monster sentence that he started nearly 10 minutes ago, the sentence that just goes on and on, and he reads faster and faster…

Animals – Fiction

November 1, 1995

There is less hypocrisy in chopping rats in half than in ordering a pate de fucking foie gras at some inanely insanely expensive restaurant.

Support Your Local Scene, My Ass! – Rant

October 1, 1995

Why is it considered cool to find existence so stressful? “My Pain, my Pain!” Yeah, rent sucks. “My Pain, my Pain!” Why don’t you shut up and get on with it?

Reefer Blandness – Fiction

October 1, 1995

It was widely believed back then that marijuana would kick open the doors of perception, a sort of spiritual steroid that could jump-start the divine spark.

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