Music Theory: It’s Just That- Fiction

October 1, 1995

Over hundreds of years, the modes of Ionian and Aolian were found to be the most stable and were used almost exclusively. They became known as major and minor.

Mall Maven – Fiction

October 1, 1995

Over the summer, I applied for a job at The Sharper Image, thinking, “This is cool, I’ll wear a tie and play with toys in air-conditioning.”

Hair Rant – Fiction

October 1, 1995

It’s pretty much the ideal cartoon girl. Her hair is in the Pippi Longstocking-esque pigtails, and her eyes and mouth are both colored chocolate-brown.

Prostitute – Fiction

September 1, 1995

I just found out my friend Gloria is a prostitute. She’s an energetic, beautiful 21-year-old with a quick wit and bubbling laugh. And a night job.

What I Did on My Summer Vacation – Fiction

September 1, 1995

Whoever had been talking to me had stopped. Only a cat sat beside me now. Maybe the cat had been talking to me. Maybe whoever had been talking to me had turned into a cat.

The Culture Bunker – Fiction

September 1, 1995

Our politically-astute production manager gave me two passes to Disgraceland, the home of Richard Milhouse Nixon, one of our nation’s 42 greatest presidents.

Legalize Plot – Fiction

September 1, 1995

Molly Monica zipped up his black leather jacket and walked onto the stage. “I’m sorry I blew up the Moon,” he said. “I promise not to do it again.”

The Culture Bunker – Fiction

July 1, 1995

He scanned the titles: “The Rhyme of the Ancient Marinara.” “It was the best of times – ah, no it wasn’t.” “Brother, Can You Paradigm?” Inspiration struck.

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