What I Did on My Summer Vacation – Fiction

September 1, 1995

Whoever had been talking to me had stopped. Only a cat sat beside me now. Maybe the cat had been talking to me. Maybe whoever had been talking to me had turned into a cat.

Graffic Traffic – Column

June 1, 1995

Hilariously and often poignantly lived through is Bitchy Bitch, an every-woman trying to live in a man’s world and survive doing it. Consistently a great book.

Graffic Traffic – Column

May 1, 1995

This extra-dimensional energy was the result of an alien scientist’s experiment that went kablooey because the United States set off atom bombs in the ’50s.

Graffic Traffic – Column

April 1, 1995

Yes, Dr. Druid of Dr. Strange and Avengers as well as that recently cancelled, did-we-really-have-to-kill-the-trees-to-make-it? title, Secret Defenders.

Graffic Traffic – Column

March 1, 1995

Weathering the storm and still strong are Love & Rockets, Naughty Bits, Hate, Usagi Yojimbo, Cerebus; all knew quality speaks for itself and never compromised.

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