Short Music for Short People – Review September 1, 1999 101 bands each contributing a 30 second song. This is a who’s who of punk, from all over the world, spanning decades of punk in its many forms.
Son of Slam Chops – Review May 1, 1997 Listening to this, you see where a lot of punk bands got the idea, and how far they’ve strayed.
Amrep Motors 1995 Models – Review June 1, 1995 AmRep is rather (in)famous for putting out music for the noise-conscious. This sampler is more straight-ahead punk rock. But there’s some good shit on here.
For A Fistful of Yens! – Review October 1, 1994 Featuring the best of some old and new bands from the European Blitzcore label, this CD is jammed with punk rock testosterone.