Rome Revisited – Fiction

October 1, 1993

You are my Tiberius Gracchus. I am the Brutus to your Caesar! I am the Suetorious to your Pompey! You speak of engineering, but what do you know of the subject?

More Ways Lizards Die – Fiction

October 1, 1993

:#17,889,317,703. 121mm. Aged 6 years, 158 days; 97 deg. ascension. Carnivorous wading bird, see cross ref. 114R-88C. Seized by abdomen, swallowed whole; death.

Generation X or Generation PG – Fiction

October 1, 1993

Rock ‘n’ Roll can be great, but not revolutionary forever. Everything stabilizes. The careerists move in for what they can take, instead of what they can give.

Decision Making 101 – Fiction

October 1, 1993

“A body in motion tends to stay in motion.” No shit. Question is: Does it much matter what motion it is in which that body is tending to stay? I don’t think so.

Big Party – Fiction

October 1, 1993

There was a big party going on in a big room… There was a big fish tank in the middle of the big room… It was loud in that there room.

A.W.O.L. – Fiction

October 1, 1993

As it all adds up and passes me by, as if I were standing in this one spot with Krazy Glue on the soles of my feet, I can only wonder why it all had to start.

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