Science Geek – #2 – Review

Science Geek

#2 $3 (PO Box 8641, Trenton, NJ 08650)
by Clarendon Lavorich

Okay, I’ll admit it. I love science, the more abstract the better. Most of the theoretical science professors I’ve met are total freaks, especially the quantum physicists. And what could be more abstract than a ‘zine dedicated to science and music? Science Geek has tales of teaching high school chemistry, interviews (rather dry) with bands, a brief overview of the weirdness of Quantum Mechanics, figuring out how random a coin toss is, the differences between a particle accelerator and a pole vaulter, “The pessimists guide to [not] meeting women,” music reviews, and “things I don’t know” (questions teachers don’t have answers to). Yeah, this one’s for eggheads, and I’m not afraid to admit that this ‘zine is cool. i just wish that they could find the shift key on their keyboards. i don’t know. maybe it’s just because i write for this paper (and all the lovely copy editors). i think it’s annoying.