Bald Guys – Teleport/Secret Mission to Spy Island – Interview

Bald Guys

Teleport/Secret Mission to Spy Island (Stanton Park)
An interview with Rich Wentworth, Carolyn Klumpp, Duggy C.
by Mark Phinney

Tell me about your 7″.
Rich: Well, it’s out there and another one is on the way. The first one did what it could, got played, and now we want to concentrate on a full-length album. Hopefully, we’ll get it done by the summer and even if no one bites, we aim to put it out by ourselves, no matter what.

Do most people see you guys as fun, spacy surf music?
Rich: Yeah, sure. Surf is big all over the country. It’s mostly instrumental so it’s music that your imagination can work with.

It’s a sound people can plug into mentally.
Rich: On one hand, it’s like soundtrack music, but on the other, it’s just fun to listen to. Advertising agencies eat the stuff up.

Who do the Bald Guys look to as influences?
Rich: Oh, I love everyone, from the Astronauts to The Ventures.

Is there a surf revival going on today?
Rich: I think there is. The clubs are booking more “surf” acts. The scene here in Boston, especially, is going strong.

Are you and Rich a team?
Carolyn (drums): We are. If one of us is in trouble, the rest of us will jump in and beat that person to a bloody pulp… or at least think about it.

It seems like you guys, as well as some rockabilly bands, have brought back “the show factor” to music.
Rich: Yeah. There’s no kicking of ass anymore. We like to bring some showmanship into the whole event.

Dougy C.: We’re like one big acid trip.

Like Floyd?
Rich: Who’s Floyd? Is he in a local band?

In terms of sound and imagery, you remind me of Man or Astroman. What are your thoughts on them?
Rich: Oh, yes. They’re great! The only thing is that we seem to think alike. I mean, every time I come up with a gimmick, they pop up with it. But in terms of competition, I think we differ. Whereas they stick to the sci-fi thing, we tend to jump from spacy to spy stuff. But they make me laugh.

Could you give us a little background on the band?
Carolyn: The Bald Guys started out as candy, but ended up gum.

Do you have a sitcom in the works?
Rich: Yes. In the pilot, my guitar gets stolen and we kick all the asses of the people on Spy Island.

Carolyn: Where we live.

Dougy C.: Also in the pilot, our dog gets pregnant and we have to deal with it as a team.

Rich: There’s also going to be a line of action figures, such as the Harbor Master, with rockets that shoot out of his arms.

Carolyn: I’ll have a drumming arm.

Dougy C.: I’ll be action-drinking Doug, with chain-smoke grip.