By the Grace of God – For the Love of Indie Rock – Review

By the Grace of God

For the Love of Indie Rock (Victory)
by Tim Creter

Okay, first the members: Jay from Empathy, Jonathan from Falling Forward, Tommy from Enkindel, Rob from Endpoint and Duncan from Endpoint and Guilt. Now, you may not have heard of all these guys and their bands, but they make up the Louisville, Kentucky hardcore scene. Now they’ve joined together in a sort of supergroup in an effort to redefine the fun and edge of hardcore by forming By the Grace of God. The result is eight songs of straight-forward, energetic, uplifting hardcore for the kids. The music, along with the satirical theme of money in the packaging, and personal essays by the band members in the booklet make this an intelligent and highly original release. And you didn’t think straight-edge kids could have fun. Turn the volume up and smell the fresh air.