Jack Frost – Snow Job – Review

Jack Frost

Snow Job (Karmic)
by Chris Adams

The great thing about Jack Frost singer Steve Kilbey (yup, same guy who sings for the Church) is that he always sounds so damn amused as he weaves his standard lyrical web of enchanted mystic nonsense. It’s like he’s standing there in the vocal booth with this shit-eating smirk thinking “that’ll wow them kids clear into Camelot.” And I was completely willing to be bullshitted into the mythic kingdoms of Snow Job, Kilbey’s second collaboration with former Go-Between Glant McLennan. Tragically, I didn’t even make it past Methuen. Imagine my bemusement when I discovered that this CD repeats incessantly on every song after “Jack Frost Blues,” the album’s dramatic opener. Oh, the merriment!