Fuck – Pardon My French – Review

December 1, 1997

Full of folky strums, fragile vocals, and a fleet-fingered sense of construction that seems almost too casual until you realize how well it holds together.

Wire – Coatings – Review

December 1, 1997

Fair-weather fans have no need for different takes on the same material, completists have it already, and ’70s Wire-heads have no use for this period, period.

Volcano – Review

December 1, 1997

Sure, Dante’s Paek had a beautiful mountain, but Volcano has fireballs and whole city blocks getting destroyed.

Rosewood – Review

December 1, 1997

Rosewood is one of those rare movies that is beautifully set, rich and believable in time, place, and culture, yet painful for those exact same reasons.

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