Blue Stereo Music (Taang!)
by Chris Adams
Hey popkids! Can’t get enough of that Spiritualized? Mourning the two-plus year intervals between albums? Then Reverberation is the band for you. Possibly the most shameless ripoff act I’ve ever heard, Reverberation are merely a grade-B Spiritualized with French accents.
But do not induce vomiting; while this shit may not be pure, it’s the perfect placebo for those in need of a new Spiritualized fix. Same hallucinatory drone, same fluid, universe-spanning stratospherics, same deep-seated melancholy – it’s got it all, baby! Granted, it’s not as much of a kick as mainlining the real deal – Spiritualized runs a lot deeper, and they’re more genuinely experimental – but at least this’ll get ya straight, and boot those withdrawls right in the ass. And weighing in at a hefty 16 tracks, it’s bigger than yer average bag, dad. So quit yer groaning, take one of these and call me in the morning.