Tweet Tweet My Lovely (Fat)
by Scott Hefflon
A 30-minute marvel of punkpop with trombones, keyboards, and just enough hardcore punk ranting to remind you that Snuff rocks from beginning to end, from one end of the spectrum to the other. Mixing anger, romantic yearning, and looking for answers in a fucked up world, Tweet Tweet My Lovely carries its positive message for kids ’round the world to sing-a-long to. One listen to “Arsehole” and you’ll be singin’ “We’re the arseholes, we’re the fuckin’ wankers. Tosspot, toe rag, gob shite, fuck shit. We’re all arseholes” right along with ’em. Imagine that finger-snappin’ swagger/swing The Specials used to do to get yer feet moving. Yeah, that’s the move. While usually faster, punker, sometimes more like a pub singin’ Bryan Adams than that, Snuff is non-stop good times.
(PO Box 193690 San Francisco, CA 94119)