Welcome Back (Emperor Norton)
by Jon Sarre
More regurgitated schlock’n’reel from the Far East to be had here (and I meant that as a compliment), if ya so endeavor to sit and give it a spin. Zoobombs (which apparently is some corruption of the Japanese word for “trousers”) are four Nipponese punx drunk on funk, but take into consideration that their definition of “funk” includes Keith Richards’ back-catalogued riffs and ? and the Mysterians’, well, any ’60s garage stylings (nice), as well as farty synth grooves and electronic handclapping (blech). They’ve also digested their share of Beasties/Spencer slabs and, y’know, that of their assorted progeny. They have managed, however, to avoid the Euro-disco sheen of, say, Cibo Matto and stick with what’s probably their idea of a live-instrument-derived hip-hop, blues fusion thang. Call the Zoobombs turf the middle of the road betwixt the Boredoms’ high conceptual John Zorn Muzak Concrete brought to you by Sony and Guitar Wolf’s low-brow Link Wrayabilly and you’re probably within’ a holler of their neighborhood.
(102 Robinson St. Los Angeles, CA 90026)