The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Bringing it All Back Home Again- Review

The Brian Jonestown Massacre

Bringing it All Back Home Again
by Mick Altamont

“And you think and you think and you think, but it never works out quite the way you want it.”

I like the way this is recorded – tin cans as boom mikes, sentiments flowing on a stream of hopeless malaise. Tiny and claustrophobic. ’66, ’67, ’68… since time began, really, I guess the kids’ve always been dropping: dropping in, dropping out. You never know which way them crazy motherfuckers is gonna go. Crazy fuckin’ cavemen was the same way. What were they thinkin’?”Just restless… I guess Cavemen went way out… these kids go way out… or so they want you to think. But these kids ain’t cavemen… these guys are too concerned with their hair… maybe they’re playing at being Caligula? Yeah, I bet that’s their bag – the shiny rings and pretty boys and all… yet a caveman Caligula could never be… tune in, turn on, drop out… I’m about ready to turn this one into an ashtray.”

Just can’t get over the bored smugness permeating this whole affair. Jangly guitar preening effortlessly to oblivion, lyrics about things I’m either not cool or stoned enough to understand at the time delivered with such disconnected hipness that I decide I really just don’t give a fuck. Jeff Davies (“now that kid’s a king”), he gave me some crazy mushrooms on my birthday – “went way out, though neither caveman nor Caligula became I.” I’m not sure if he’s on this, but I hope so cuz then maybe I’d have a heart-string-a-tugging-me home. Brian Jones… Well, he sure didn’t make it, and there’s a reason. These guys, they won’t either, and there’s a reason for that, too.

Jeff, just don’t get wet with some creep standing on yer head, ya know what I mean? Same goes for you…