Dead Red Sea – Birds – Review

March 29, 2002

It’s actually quite melancholy and touching, it just that it doesn’t live up to what I expected from ex-Cross My Heart guitarist/vocalist Ryan Shelkett.

Glasseater – 7Yearsbadluck – Review

March 29, 2002

Glasseater are one of those not-very-good punk bands that copped a different, not-very-imaginative style (in this case hardcore yelling) and still sucks.

Toilet Boys – Review

March 29, 2002

I’ve never understood the fuss about these guys… They aren’t nearly as good as Pretty Boy Floyd were, and they’re not as good as the Backyard Babies are.

Lullacry – Be My God – Review

March 22, 2002

Ball-out female-fronted rock firmly planted in the sound of today and a classic style that’s too busy having a blast to give a rat’s ass if you think it’s cool.

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