Garrison – The Model – Review


The Model (Iodine)
by Tim Den

Ironic that it’s taken Garrison three full-lengths worth of struggle to finally sharpen their machete pop on an EP. Nevertheless, The Model is by far the band’s most cohesive, two-feet-on-the-ground songwriting to date. Even with yet another rhythm section turnover, they’ve embraced a newfound penchant for melodicism, like old friends meeting for the first time. Opener “Lets Fight” and “We Watch the World Come Down” would be bonafide hits in a parallel universe where audiences actually paid attention to the hooks embedded underneath all the clanging. Held together by Andrew Schneider’s plump production job, The Model is a damn fine slab of post-hardcore.
(1085 Comm. Ave. PMB 318 Boston, MA 02215)