The Turbo A.C.’s
Automatic (Gearhead)
by Ewan Wadharmi
When bands like Destroy All Monsters and …And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead disappoint with their sappy, lackluster music, it just follows that ripping punk goodness would come from the ambiguously titled The Turbo A.C.’s. Thankfully, the music is even more punctuated than the name. Kevin Prunty is relentless in driving the beats into submission while bassist Michael Dolan stirs up imminent threat. The crystal tones Kevin Cole forces out of his surf guitar make the brilliant melodies really stick.
The tunes tell a fine story all on their own. At the few spots where the players aren’t perfectly together, they rattle for a moment like super-heated molecules and release a blast of concerted energy that knocks you down. This suckerpunch approach follows the “explode and re-load” method. Beyond the energy and nicely-flavored tunes, prepare for lyrical shots like “the teaming masses want watered-down candy-coated/I want the real deal/cocked and ready/fully loaded.” Makes a nice compliment to The Generators and The Forgotten.
(PO Box 421219 San Francisco, CA 94142)