The Crumbs
Last Exit (TKO)
by Ewan Wadharmi
At first, Last Exit is nice, standard garage rock that won’t jump off the building and won’t get off the ledge. The energetic ’60s freakouts are inspired by The Fugs and Them. It may take a few listens to learn this is more than decent party music. That is, until the dark “Wrong Hand Again” suddenly alters the mood to an echoey Doors cum Dire Straits landscape. The songs toggle between fuzzy vox sounds and Nashville Teens country jangle. “Overload” is stuffed with really nasty blues licks and an unearthly organ. Solid musicianship like impressive drumming and interwoven guitars make “Til the Next Day” a really great slow closer. My theorem is proved again: Never take the first exit.
(3126 W. Cary St. #303 Richmond, VA 23221)