With Honor – The Distance – Split – Review

withhonors200With Honor/The Distance

Split (Martyr)
by Scott Hefflon

Gorgeous packaging that ya gotta dig all the way into to find out who the hell it is. Art, not function, I guess. This is a new split series. Three songs each from a couple bands from a specific area. We start with Connecticut hardcore, cuz that’s the obvious place to start, right? Uh, right. With Honor and The Distance are both completely passable hardcore, with previous releases on Bridge Nine and Stillborn, who steadily release passable hardcore (they should start a Release of the Month Club and offer a discount to kids who just want more and new and don’t seem to care if it’s remarkable in any way). Of the two, With Honors interests me slightly more, because they use one or two metal tricks, and hardcore is basically just metal with the difficult parts taken out.