Daily Afflictions – Review

March 30, 2007

Andrew Boyd is an endlessly fascinating fellow. He’s an author, political activist, and culture-jamming cyber monk.

Scrapbook Max – Review

March 30, 2007

You might be under the crazy impression that scrapbooks are musty physical objects to be enjoyed decades from now, when your grandkids hop up on your lap.

Okami – Review

March 30, 2007

Okami is fun to play and has a great personality. It deserves praise for more than just its visuals. There’s nothing else that looks quite like it.

Unsane – Visqueen – Review

March 30, 2007

Visqueen is lugubrious and queasy in that Entombedly mid-tempo death Flipper-funk way that Unsane have touched (but not tongued) before.

The Agency – Turn – Review

March 30, 2007

The songs are not as catchy as the band’s earlier material, the lingering smell of Dashboard Confessional-inspired melodies hang on every vocal hook.

Firewind – Allegiance – Review

March 30, 2007

Gus G. is only in his mid-20s, but with all the extreme metal around, his take on power metal is stacked with chords of an In Flames or Finnish metal nature.

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