Kim Deal
release date: 7/15/24
by Scott Deckman
Kim Deal may be the ultimate “give it time” artist these days, other than her former partner. She’s written enough sugar rushes to have earned it. Now she gives us “Coast,” which is her Jimmy Buffett song… or something. You go ahead and classify. There are horns, laid-back chords, and a flamingo on the cover. And again, Kim’s voice is her greatest instrument. The lyrics aren’t as cryptic as usual, but they can still be taken two ways. We’ll go with Kim Deal the wise matriarch of Alt-Rock Nation sipping on a margarita watching all the beautiful losers who’ve given up to get more, the bedrock you return to after things go sour. Her house parties are invite-only, but are usually large because she’s pretty welcoming. This will likely be one of the late Steve Albini’s last forays into the greater recording consciousness. It’s fitting: he always loved her pipes.